
PASA (Physics and Astronomy Students' Association) is an inclusive space for undergraduate students interested in physics and astrophysics and general shenanigans. As a socio-academic club, PASA is a useful study space with whiteboards/chalkboards, a printer, and a mini-library, as well as video/board games and a great atmosphere for social tomfoolerly. Bonus: we even have a fridge and a microwave for all of your food needs! Events include Board Game Nights, Integration Bee, Cubby Brawl, Research Night, LaTeX Seminars, and other creative events! PASA is a great place to make connections, make friends in your classes, life long friends, and access to upper-year students who have the best advice. We are a kinda memey, kinda serious space for students of all types who all praise our holy Big Chungus who blesses us with luck for our tests, and pets for serotonin. You'll often find arts majors, engineers, math-loving folk, and the occasional chemist. Stop by ST 058-060 to come and enjoy one of the best clubs on campus!

Want to join? Visit our contact page to see how!

Executive Team

Vivek President
Haruka VP Academic
Victor VP Academic
Nicholas VP Events
Mahïa VP Events
James VP Finance
Nadia VP Internal
Rocy VP Internal
Jaynard VP Communications
Chloé First Year Representative
Grace Second Year Representative
Declan Webmaster
Big Chungus Honorary Webmaster

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